Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Why Hire a wedding planner??

A very good question, surely a wedding planner is Herts or Essex is ridiculously expensive and only for the rich. That isn't true, most wedding planners in London can offer a variety of options to help you to fit in with most budgets. Always remember a good planner can often save you money, so lets list some of the ways a planner can help.

1. Budget
In the current climate unless you have a bottomless pit of cash you should set a budget and stick to it. A planner can help break this down and show you where you should spend and where you can save, giving you a few tricks you may not have thought about. They will also make sure you stick to that budget.

2. Time
Bride and grooms totally under estimate whats involved in planning a wedding. It can take 250 hours!! We are all so time poor these days, so a planner can give you her time to help plan your wedding when you're running short

3. Design
Chances are when you got engaged (and I'm talking to the brides here) you bought loads of magazines, scoured the web and started to collect ideas, but what works? what really does look great? what flowers would be best? will those colours go? and the questions go on. Its often helpful to have someone who doesn't know you give an objective opinion to help you achieve your dream day

4. Negotiating with suppliers
This is where the planner can earn her fee. She can help negotiate fees with the suppliers and remember a good planner will always pass on the discounts that she gets. As a member of UKAWP
I always abide by this.

5. On The Day
The big day is here and you arrive at your venue to find the co ordinator you have been working with the last eighteen months isn't there and its the banqueting manager who doesn't know you from Adam. This is common place at many wedding venues. Wouldn't it be nice to have someone working just for you, your own bridal PA in Essex?

If you need any help with you planning, here at EC Wedding Design we offer you a FREE no obligation quote so what have you got to loose?

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