The Autumn wedding fayre season is upon us and now is the time to start looking at venues, if you haven't already chosen your venue and time to meet suppliers. Whilst the internet is great to do your research there is nothing better than meeting suppliers face to face and chatting to them. people always buy from people and I think its essential for a bride of groom to meet in person their suppliers.
There are lots of comapnies now that organise fayres, in fact if you search wedding fayres Essex for instance, hundreds will come up. Have a look at the background of the company that are organising it, see if you can see the calibre of suppliers that are exhibiting and plan your schedule. The best wedding fayres in Essex are the ones that are organised by the venue, as they will ask their recommended suppliers to exhibit so you know that the suppliers there have worked at the venue before. Better than that find the venues where the suppliers haven't paid to exhibit and are being invited because of their work.
Happy Planning